Small but smart idea: how did coke get people of Israel to put the coke bottles into recycling bins? They used location based services to show everyone where the recycling bins are. It even demonstrated some game mechanic: whoever checked in most in those locations became recycling king:
There has been a lot of talk about the end or decline of the destination sites. Mainly about the big portals as well as brands sites – the decline in daily visitors happens at the same time as visitors to social media sites are steadily increasing. Here is a blogpost that nicely visualizes this effect for a few famous brands and social media sites.
Coca-Cola and Unilever now announced that they’ll start shifting their online campaign activities from dedicated microsites to sites, profiles or channels on social media sites. Makes sense, considering the users are already there and they can tap into a ready community:
The FMCG giants are moving away from sites created on a campaign-by-campaign basis in favour of investment in existing communities.
Coca-Cola: “We would like to place our activities and brands where people are, rather than dragging them to our platform,”
Unilever: “You’ll see fewer brands creating a site for one campaign and then throwing it away. Certainly we won’t do that at Unilever any more. It’s natural online to go to the place where people are already consuming media,” she added. “It’s less effort to ask people to leave an environment they’re already in.”
They won’t do that for all campaigns, and certainly not immediately, but given the current change in the media landscape it does make a whole lot of sense for some brands to move closer to where their customer are.
Werbeblogger links to a „Spam Radio„. Where you can have an automatic Computer Voice read out your spam to you. Nice idea filed under „new and useless“.
CBS has acquired for $280 million. I hope that will stay as cool as it is, I really enjoy it. (Check the widget at the bottom of the right sidebar.)
A cgm post about the fine line of letting go and not letting go too much whil staying authentic in FMCG CGM. (Like those acronyms, anyone?)