von Roland Hachmann | Apr. 6, 2008 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital News
Just a quick one: Joost shuts down its global operations and focuses on the US only. Shame, I liked the idea of Joost. But in the end, it was brought down by two main factors that even a technologically smart way of streaming videos can’t solve: first: trying to buy global rights for content that studios could probably sell much more profitable on a country-by-country basis. second: having exclusive, compelling content that users won’t find anywhere else (nevermind that they’re overloaded with too much online video anyway.
And for me: I always felt like the joost interface just wasn’t right somehow. I don’t watch fullscreen video on my PC. Still, I was always hoping for it to evolve (globally), so that one day I could enjoy watching videos via joost. But not any more, I guess.
von Roland Hachmann | Nov. 20, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Marketing Trends, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
Sofar, advertising on joost has only been in the form of short ads at the beginning or end of clips. Sort of like the traditional ad model.
Now we have the first attempt at actually providing added value through a marketing tactic. In this case, a widet:
On Thursday, Joost announced that Coca-Cola’s European division has created the first „commercial widget“ for the software. Called „Coke Bubbles,“ the downloadable advertising widget lets you choose a clip on Joost and then send it to fellow Joost users, appended with a note in the form of a „bubble.“
You can download it at „Coke Bubbles„. While I am unsure about whether this is a really clever idea, I do support the fact that Coke does not just run ads in the clips, but does try to provide added value. It’s a first step in the right direction.
A lot of marketing efforts will have to provide a clear added value in the future. Either through real product information at the points where consumers are seeking information. Or, alternatively, if consumers are not seeking product information, brands can help to provide plattforms, contents or tools for entertainment or networking – two of the other main things people seek out in digital media these days.
von Roland Hachmann | Juni 8, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising
Joost is apparently testing new ad formats:
In addition to in-stream 15- and 30-second spots, the company is serving ads in „bug“ format. Bugs are brands that appear as floaters in the corner of the viewing screen. These typically appear shortly after an ad for the floating brand has just aired.
Clicking on the bug opens a new browser window that takes viewers to the product.
Interactive television with the corresponding interactive advertising is already in use by some stations (for example Sky in the UK). You press a button whenever a red dot appears in a corner and then you get further information. But in the case Joost, you can send them deep into the web, onto landing pages, rich media experiences, contact forms, etc. This will clearly change the way TV advertising is perceived and produced!
And there is even an additional benefit:
Ads will largely be targeted to viewers based on personal and demographic data that users entered when they first registered with Joost.
Somehow I don’t think they’ll stick with only personal and demographic data. How about behavioural targetting? Measure and track what they watch and what they have clicked on in the past (and hope that it is still the same person sitting in front of the screen).
von Roland Hachmann | Mai 15, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Digital News
- While everyone is getting excited about Joost, there is a competitor not far away. Less beta users, less headlines, but very similar thing, called babelgum.
- But that’s not all, Zattoo is another TV platform, with only few, but real TV stations, such as RTL, ART, BBC World, CNN, France 2+3, ZDF and some more.
- Audi.de/tv launched, and German Werbeblogger has some justified serious criticism about this web1.0-ish wannabe 2.0-ish plattform.
- Focus.de published a study about us german bloggers, finding out that we’re indeed young and well educated. Thanks for the compliment!
- The Playboy seems to be opening up a dependence in Second Life. I am curious to see their hostesses!
- Absolutely amazing: watching new flickr photos being uploaded, almost in real time – around the world: this is flickrvision, another API-wonder.
von Roland Hachmann | Mai 10, 2007 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
- Online web presences are finallly compulsory according to this post. Even if the businesses aren’t doing any business online, consumers expect to be able to find information online, many even expect to be able to purchase online, even if they never actually would.
- According to this article at emarketer, the music industry is complaining without a cause, since even with decreasing sales on CDs, etc., net growth is strong. It’s just the fact that sales now increasingly come from digital music, merchandising and live performances. I never thought the music industry was in any danger any way.
- Forbes features a short essay, apparently written by Rupert Murdoch himself. It shows, that he has truly understood the signs of the times, but in essence, there is nothing new in this essay. Why am I posting it? It can serve as a good source for quotes when you’re preparing another one of these „convince the client’s bosses to invest in new media“ presentations.
- The Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog lists some more information on the advertisers that have made deals with joost, the much hyped new IPTV platform. Apparently, you can even find their ad content, when typing their names into the search function of joost!