So the lincolnfry really is a fake blog. Funny.
I wasn’t paying much attention to this blog, just wondered about it’s high ranking at blogdex and only had quick look into the blog a couple of days ago.
Well, yesterday, during the Super Bowl, when they also showed an ad about this, they called the whole scam off and put in a link on the website to a rather clearly McDonalds branded

Now they sell it at a yahoo auction (why not ebay? does anyone know?) and it’s currently at $21k already!

Somehow I really like this campaign idea, even though they tried fool the blogging community for some time (though I wonder how they got this blog so high up on the blogdex, but I guess that was set up, too).

[21st Feb Update: the lincoln fry sold for around 75k in the end – purchased by the GoldenPalace, who already bought the cheese toast with Marie on it… WHY??]