The New York Post writes about Google aiming at more share of the offline mediaplanning cake.
Google, already dabbling in print ads, recently confirmed that it’s „mulling“ ways to extend its ad-brokering system to television spots as well.
If Google succeeds, it would mark a major turning point for an industry that has rebuffed other attempts at creating new ways to buy and sell TV ad time.
But some are dubious about this:
„Most sellers don’t want to put their inventory in someone else’s control,“
Also, many doubt that TV ads can be planned by computer models. And considering the fact that after having bought TV placements, there is a lot of post-booking stockmarket like haggling going on, whenever shows seem to fail or succeed, I also doubt this can be done by computers.
According to the article, Enron already unsuccessfully tried this kind of gig in 2001, though not being able to attract any of the major networks or media firms.
Remaining interesting, though, is Googles attempts of trying to start business units in market segments that would at first seem untypical for their known business operation.