Super Bowl XXXIX Advertising Bonanza

Through a tip from cup of java I found the Super Bowl section on AdLand It has scripts and information for quite a few of the spots coming up tomorrow. Good work by the adgrunts at adland! I won’t be able to watch the game anyway, so it is interesting for me to see what’s coming up. Anyone else who prefers to be surprised tomorrow: don’t visit that site 🙂

Russell Beattie Notebook – Singles and Posts

Russell Beattie wonders, if people will pay 1/3 of a cent to read his post. I am not sure I would.
One of his commentators rightly said that there is still a lot of „cheaper“ content out there. And I just wouldn’t want to go through a payment procedure, however simple it was, in order to be able to casually surf around blogs. I much prefer ads, which my mind blocks outs automatically (at least the standard ones), and thereby have others „pay“ for my entertainment…