AdAge digital issue

Adage published a „digital issue“, which seems to be completely accessible online. (Why wouldn’t it, anyway?) I haven’t read through the entire set of articles just yet, however there seem to be some interesting thoughts. Things like the 70/20/10 rule for marketing budgets, a short article about what the h*** are widgets, and a little crystal ball 2.0 outlook (still need to finish that one).

Do you really think people are paying attention to your ads?

So you really think that people pay attention? Try this test to find out how good your „attention“ skills are.


Amazing, isn’t it? Now imagine people are looking for something specific online on your webiste. Will they notice the ads? I guess, they will. BUT: only if they are relevant or related to what they are looking for. Another reason why(contextual, behavioural, etc.) targetting is crucial when attention is scarce. And scarce it is pretty much all the time these days.

Christvertising – praying for your brand.

In a similar fashion as the famous „make my logo bigger cream“ website now comes a new idea: Christvertising. Pray for your brand.


Not quite as funny as the logo cream idea, in my opinion, but worth watching nevertheless. The holder of the domain is protected by the „contactprivacy“ service (which sounds like a good idea for the US – but as a website publisher, you would never get away with this kind of anonymity service in Germany).

(found at Martin’s blog)