Why do people follow brands?
A question often asked. Here is an info graphic (click on the image to see the full size version):
A question often asked. Here is an info graphic (click on the image to see the full size version):
Erik Qualman just released a „refresh“ of the socialnomics video published a few months ago. Since the numbers in social media developments are so quickly evolving, this refresh seems about time.
If you just want to see the numbers and stats, you can visit Eriks blogpost here. If you’re from outside the US, chances are that you might not be able to see the youtube-video due to music rights regulations in Europe.
(Note to Erik: Next time also publish a video without the music, which is the only reason for Youtube blocking the video).
Here is the video embedded from vimeo:
Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) from Erik Qualman on Vimeo.