A nice example of an impressing idea, that makes a small thing big and produces an enormous amount of effort at the same time. Don’t get me wrong. I like the idea. But it’s big – both in fascination, as well as the whole setup….
I know that it is rather hard to convince clients of this kind of idea because of efforts (time, client/agency ressources, money) involved, yet at the same time probably not being able to predict outcome and effect in any way. So Kudos to whichever agency (does anyone know?)…
The world cup has finally started. Sorry for the long silence, I was quite busy with my new project, the vanille shop e-commerce site. (More about that some other time)
Whereas Twitter didn’t exist for regular users during the last worldcup (2006), it is now present – more than ever. And they have launched a website for the display of realtime updates.
All tweets with certain hashtags will be aggregated, writes mashable. You can also watch updates by country (or even by match) via the three letter country abbreviation.
I am sure there are more realtime services based on twitter out there, will keep you posted.
While I was at work today, a few colleagues watched a live stream via the public television channel ARD in Germany. Interesting to me was the facebook chat going on to the right of the video window. Unfortunately I didn’t take a screengrab of the site, but I will during the next game that is streamed with a facebook chat next to it.