von Roland Hachmann | Okt. 31, 2012 | Blog, Digital Culture, Digital Marketing, Marketing Cases, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing
OK, dieser Case ist schon 2 Wochen alt, aber ich war im Urlaub und finde den Case immer noch faszinierend.
Das New Yorker Restaurant Comodo nutzt einen aktuellen User Trend auf sehr simple, aber smarte Weise. Viele Restaurant Besucher fotografieren mittlerweile ihr Essen und laden es bei Instagram, Foodspotting oder ähnlichen App Services hoch.
Diesen Trend hat Comodo genutzt, in dem es die Besucher dazu aufgefordert hat, ihre Lieblingsspeisen, sprich Empfehlungen, mit dem #-Tag „Comodomenu“ bei Instagram zu veröffentlichen. Was alles fotografiert wurde, kann man hier sehen.
(von hier und hier)
von Roland Hachmann | Aug. 22, 2008 | Blog
… is starting tomorrow. Well, not quite, we’re first flying to NY. But on Monday, we’ll arrive in Phoenix and then hit a few national parks, drive along the west coast from San Diego to San Francisco and back to Phoenix.
For all of those speaking German, you can find updates, travel diaries and many fotos here.
von Roland Hachmann | Nov. 15, 2006 | Blog, Digital Culture
It’s been a while, since I last recommended an online music offer, but this time it is well deserved. I have been listening to this excellent station via iTunes a lot, but the last couple of weeks it’s not accessible through iTunes any longer, for whatever reason. I didn’t bother because I thought this „temporary“ problem would resolve itself soon. Well it didn’t until today, so I googled for their website with a live stream instead: the DI.fm House channel
The House channel is operated by a loose collection of New York City-based DJs, producers and musicians, coordinated by house music veteran DJ Jolene.
Our silky vibe is a direct result of our participation in the NYC house music community. The programming is compiled from rare cuts, yet-to-be-distributed promo vinyl, original studio work, selected DJ mixes, live DJ sets and discriminating trips to NYC record stores.
To us, „deep“ means a feel that is rooted in the origins of house music, when talented vocalists, innovative sampling, and dynamic song arrangements play a strong role in each track. Today, producers incorporate live musicians, soulful vocal arrangements and thick danceable rhythms to create the deep sound we feature here.