Als wäre es wieder 2008. Oder 2012. Eine Marke ruft ihre Fans dazu auf, werbliche Clips zu gestalten, bzw. einen Kurzfilm mitzukreieren.
Dieses Mal dreht es sich um eine Privatdetektiv-Geschichte: der FryFlix „Loaded Fries“. Ein Pommes ermittelt. Klingt nach einer spannenden Geschichte, die vermutlich fast so sehnsüchtig erwartet wird, wie der neue Star Wars Film…
Fans können auf der australischen Facebookseite ihren Senf dazu geben und bestimmen, wie der Film weitergehen soll. Leider ist das eine sogenannte „Globalpage„, woraufhin nur australische Facebooknutzer diese Seite zu sehen bekommen. Schade, denn ich hätte gerne gesehen, mit was für Vorschlägen die Fans um die Ecke kommen und wie die Marke auf die abstrusen oder sogar schlichtweg unsinnigen Vorschläge reagiert.
Here is a viral marketing ploy that I was sent (seeded?) from two different email addresses within 20 Minutes this morning. A couple of guyss purchase a McD burger and find an image of „the king“ toasted into the bun.
One of the links they sent me leads to a page, where a guy speculates about this mystery, seemingly he always speculates about mysteries like that:
Listen I’m one of those guys who never believes shit like this. Like when people see Jesus in their banana or they get a p*nis shaped cheeto I’m always like relax. It’s just a fucking cheeto. But this one is different. I mean if that’s not the fucking King in this guy’s bun than I don’t know what is.
All of this reminds me, somehow, of the Lincoln Fry Mystery-Viral campaign in 2005, where a French fry in the shape of Lincolns silhouette caused some buzz; note: all of the links in my 2005 blogpost don’t work properly any longer, unfortunately. Luckily, the campaign made it into Wikipedia, so you can find some more details there. (The prop used in that campaign was sold for 75k on a yahoo auction. I wonder for how much the bun will sell…?)
While in Paris on a connecting flight, Pharrel tries to order a Big Mac while it’s still 6am – and the french staff neither know Pharrel, nor do they want to offer him anything but breakfast – and last but not least they don’t seem to know him and aren’t impressed at all by his musical performance:
A McDonald’s rep confirmed that the stunt wasn’t commissioned by the fast feeder. However, he was impressed with the publicity. The rep said: „We were surprised and entertained by the video of Pharrell performing [our jingle]. We certainly welcome him as a customer, and we appreciated his spontaneous and funky celebration of our food.“
And I wonder: what will McD do next, how will they appropriately (digitally) respond to this video, which gathered half a million views in only a few days?
Are kids easy to fool? Can a little branding make things much tastier for them? Of course it can! Well, at least this article says it can. Wrap anything in something branded by McDonalds and the kids seem to be liking it!
„You see a McDonald’s label and kids start salivating,“ said Diane Levin, a childhood development specialist who campaigns against advertising to kids. She had no role in the research.
So be careful about the bad effects advertising and branding might have on your kids.
Of course it’s not about an overarching (golden) brand symbol. But it’s about perception nevertheless. What is your opinion on wine from North Dakota? Don’t have any (opinion, that is)? How about wine from California? That bell makes you salivate?
In that study conducted by Cornell professors, a group of diners was served the same wine, either labeled as wine from california, or labeled as wine from North Dakota – both carrying the name of a non-existent winery. Guess which one the group preferred? Correct!