von Roland Hachmann | Jun 25, 2009 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
Martin, Sarah, Julian and Cornelia are cruising from on Ikea to the next all throughout Germany as part of an Ikea Midsommar Tour, in order to find the best Midsommar bargains in Germany.
The whole journey is being documented in many (partially live) video shows, blogs of each of the four and a Google map where you can check on their current position. Of course, the four travellers also have twitter profiles.
What I find puzzling is the fact that the blogs neither allow for comments, nor do they offer permalinks. Not really blog-like, if you ask me.
Quite well done is their strategy to reactivate people that were fans of a previous campaign they did almost a year ago: the main character of that campaign – Nils, who back then was „waiting for September“ – started his Twitterfeed again, in order to point users who did not unfollow in the meantime (like yours truly) to the campaign.
The only thing that concerns me: it reminds me somehow of the Fake Walmart Blogger in 2006. Mind you, they do not conceil the fact that this is a campaign for Ikea, so you can’t really compare it…
von Roland Hachmann | Jan 12, 2009 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Online Advertising, Social Media Marketing
An excellent and very timely idea by Ikea: At the website „Embrace Change“ Ikea will offer users the chance to speak out and let the future president know their suggestions for fiscally responsible home furnishings:
Well, here is what can happen if you let the Swedish Style take over the Oval Office:
Not sure about that 😉
But starting in 4 days, people will have the chance to add their own suggestions. Apparently, an Oval Office planner will be up and running by then.
Don’t think, somehow, that Obama will react to that…
von Roland Hachmann | Jan 13, 2008 | Ad News, Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing
so there is this guy, living in ikea as a promo, and I ask myself: why?
This is the official reason why:
New York City apartment had to be fumigated. All of his friends have tiny studio apartments. Hotels in New York are insanely expensive. Left with few living options, Mark thought it would be fun and make an interesting video to move into an IKEA store where he’d live and sleep for a week. Never in a million years did he think IKEA would go for it, but miraculously they have a agreed.
You can see a video each day, showing whatever he did during the day and night.
Anyway, in a good manner these days, you can of course join the facebook group (1,260 members) and you can be Marks friend on myspace (930 friends).
Mark seems to start a series of this kind of promo. He had also done the 171 Starbucks (visiting 171 Starbucks in a day, I guess they were all located on the same block – and did he have a coffee in each?)