Links & News, 21.12.06
Some Links & News I haven’t had time to blog about in the last couple of days:
- Tim O’Reilly was interviewed by German Spiegel Online (one of my main news sources). One of the questions: would Mr. O’Reilly show the current wewb 2.0 content (and here: mainly youtube videos) to aliens, in order to show how far we’ve gotten with our civilisation… He would show Google though he said.
- Adverblog writes about Coke „invading“ YouTube with a brandchannel, where you can upload you own season greetings and send them to friends. Good idea in general… But why would you want to do that through a coke brand channel and not a standard YouTube account? They aren’t the only ones, either. Levi’s allegedly also opened a brand channel.
- Some more CGM: In Spain Pepsi asks users to design a can – the best design will actually be produced as a can and distributed across Spain.
- The new Second Life Newspaper „Avastar“ of German tabloid „Bild“ is selling for 150 Linden Dollars. This shows in some respect, that market prices in Second Life haven’t quite equilibrated yet. Just recently I bought a T-Shirt for a third of that price. The language will be english, apparently, which makes sense considering that the majority within Second Life won’t know German.
- The new book title of Joseph Jaffe will be „Join the Conversation“. This makes absolut sense considering the contents of this podcasts and blogposts, this is the (his) current topic.
- PayPerPost makes disclosure mandatory. Good. Now bloggers have to disclose if they are publishing a blogpost with brand or productreviews. This improves transparency and even though they might loose some advertisers and bloggers it should help them in the long run.