Next11 Sneak Preview

The first draft of the speakers list of the Next11 conference in Berlin is up. One of the speakers I am looking forward to: Tim Ferris.

The theme for the conference is „data love“. How all the data available for analysis and remixing shapes the way we live, which services we will enjoy in the future, etc. In the case of Tim Ferris: apparently he will talk about how he used all the data he measured from his body to test the various ways to get fit.

Here is a video of Matthias Schrader and Martin Recke about the event:

I shall be there! 🙂

„Urlaubsnotizen“ from Vietnam

For the next three weeks, I will take a break from all matters concerning marketing, advertising, social media marketing, etc.

Why? I am going on vacation in southeast asia for 3 weeks, Thailand and Vietnam, to be precise.

However, I will still be using some tools of social media – first and foremost writing travel notes on my german travel blog: Urlaubsnotizen.

Have fun reading and following my journey! And if you don’t speak German, you might still want to check out the pictures I will try to add each day.

Vagabond Life: living and traveling in Latin America

It’s a great advantage to have a cousin and best friend who travels a lot. I have spent quite a few vacations just visiting my cousin Gerhard in whatever location he lived at that time.

It’s also always interesting to listen to the stories of my cousin. Travelling most of Latin America, he has experienced many interesting and quite a few peculiar things and knows a lot about what to do, where to go, what to try, etc.

It gets even better now, that my cousin decided to share his travel stories, adventures and travel tips with a wider audience, i.e. everybody. Here is his way of sharing: He just recently created the blog „Vagabond Life„:

The blog offers tips of every sort. Things as in the screenshot above: „The drink of choice in Buenos Aires„, but also „Running in Buenos Aires„, „how to use facebook as a traveller„, as well as simply stuff like „Foreign Currency Exchance„.

These tips will soon cover many countries in Latin America, since my Cousin usually travels to at least 3-4 different countries a year, with Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico being amongst the most often visited.

If my cousin keeps up pumping out about 2 posts a week, as he plans to, this could soon turn into one of the most valuable ressources for travel information on latin america on the web!

Mashable Top Apps for 2011

Mashable features the top 10 apps to watch for 2011. While some don’t seem to be too interesting for me and some to be just „me too“ apps that need to proove that they offer never seen additional value, one looked rather interesting to me: GetGlue

It let’s you checkin into Movies, Books, Shows, etc.

Somehow people got used to „checking in“ to things. And they also got used to sharing experiences. Weird concept though, that you check into a book. But the social aspect is great, because (as with foursquare) you can leave tips, comments, see who also checked in to that particular medium, etc. Does this need to be a „mobile“ app? Think not, as there does not seem to be any location aspect to it.

It also seems to be a cool recommendation engine. I wonder what else people will get the chance to check into? Meals, drinks? And who has the time to constantly update their checkin status for every single detail of life? I already keep forgetting to check in with foursquare all the time.

An infographic of popular memes of 2010

It’s time to take a look at the best memes of 2010. Rocketboom shows 6 Minutes worth of Memes and on MySpace someone published the following infographic:
Best Internet Memes of 2010
Check out more awesome videos on Myspace

I definitely missed some of these, but I guess they are very much focused on memes from the US. I would not want to leave out the #blumenkübel meme we had running on twitter here in Germany, which made it to the international trending topics. It was so popular, that people from the US asked on twitter, what the hell #blumenkübel means…

Happy new year 2011!